JE Pistons SRP Pro 2618 Piston lineup is designed to bridge the gap between affordability and strength. While SRP and SRP Pro pistons are forged from a durable 4032 alloy, these are forged from 2618 alloy for maximum strength. Like the SRP Pro Series, these pistons feature an advanced FSR forging design for increased strength while a high-quality narrow wrist pin keeps things light. Accumulator grooves and 1.2/1.5/3.0 mm Pro Seal Premium Piston Rings improve piston ring seal.
We developed the SRP Professional 2618 Series Pistons over the course of an entire year using 3D modeling with several revisions being tested using FEA (finite element analysis). Unlike other manufacturers, our pistons are manufactured from solid pucks of aluminum right here in America for dyno testing in real engines prior to being finalized.